Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Ok so we haven't been doing good at all :( We have had sickness in the house and have not eaten well at all. I bought a cookbook that I have started using. It is for people with diabetes. The meals I have made so far are really yummy and the kids will eat the food too which is a plus! One other thing we have changed is our pop intake. I drink one pop a day so that I don't get a caffeine headache. I also do 100 sit ups a day since a lot of my weight is in my tummy. My mom once told me that a woman's body is like a rubber band......it can stretch and retract for so long until it is so stretched out it wont retract anymore. I feel like my body has been stretched to much because it isn't retracting. Also if I don't do anything else (exercise wise) during the day I at least have done 100 sit ups. I weighed myself today and I weigh 253! My first goal is to weigh under 200 lbs by the time Ashley turns one. I know I can do it! David started bringing healthy food to work for lunch like cold meat roll ups. Before he would just go get something. Most of the time it was fast food. Its really hard to change habits you have had for years. Now a days people are so use to instant satisfaction. The fast and easy way and wanting things NOW... Well we fell into that trap and now we are paying for it. I am trying to not only change the lifestyle and path I was headed down (which isn't pretty) but also the lifestyle of our children. instead of grabbing a bag of chips or or a cookie...... grab a apple or a bag of pretzels. It is so HARD. I have noticed that I'm not craving sweets as much as I use to. I would go to the day old bakery at Wal-Mart and load the cart up with cookies, cupcakes, cakes, and doughnuts...... I know disgusting right? I can walk down the candy and snack isle and not grab what ever looked good. That was a HUGE struggle for me. I don't even want that stuff anymore. I can honestly say I have/had a food addiction. I eat because I am bored. Honestly I am scared for this Holiday season because I will eat and eat and eat. Because its there and I can. This is going to be SO hard to control myself because I have NO self control.


  1. You can do it Kara. Ian and I have started lowering our portions of what we eat, but still eating the same foods. We're also changing HOW we make our dinner (using different cooking tools like spray rather than oil or butter), and what we eat with it. I'm starting out at 190 and Ian's at 260. My goal is 140 by the first Sunday in May. We'll see how far I get, but i've lost 4 lbs so far. I might take up your idea and blog about it as it'd make it more real. We've also logged all of the Sunday's between now and May, and posted it up in our bathroom. This will make it so we're staring at our weight every day. Good luck. Stay motivated...

  2. Dad and I also need to lose weight. I've got 100 lbs to lose and Dad has almost that much to lose. Kara, I used to go through the fast food drive through every time I would go out to run errands. We started not eating out to save money but it has also made it so I don't even crave fast food anymore. I'm also trying to make our food portions smaller and having salad with our dinner. I eat the salad first and then the rest of my meal.

    Good luck to all of us on our better fitness journey.

  3. That is awesome that you are making changes and seeing results already! I gave up all soda this past summer and got a lot more serious about exercise. The more I exercise the less junk I want. I've also discovered that we really can eat a lot less than we "want" to. Good luck with everything and don't be too hard on yourself. It is hard to change those not so good habits. I'm rooting for you!
